Tuesday, July 12, 2011

home sweet home

Surprisingly this is no post about our projects.


But instead about how grateful we are to be blessed by a Heavenly Father who loves us and gives us way more blessings than we will ever deserve.

This is the latest.

This is our new house in Layton! :) We are so grateful to move into this new neighborhood and join a new ward! Even though we already are missing our old one dearly... But we are super excited and life is so happy right now! (just waiting for the storms to move in now..haha) We are also so grateful for family. They have really blessed us so much by helping us out with the house. Especially our brother in law and sister in law Bryan and Jenn. We really love them and appreciate all they've done for us. 

Right now we are living in the unfinished basement with all of our boxes. It's super fun. haha We are just getting carpet and paint this week so we're only half moved in. We are sooooo excited for the finished product though! 

Everyone come over soon!!!

1 comment:

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Nice house! Have fun with this new adventure. :) Glad we got to know you both a little: you're awesome people.